Roses quickly become a passion and the longer you spend with them, the more questions can arise - not only about the optimal care or the choice of location, but also about the origin and development of roses, the different classes of roses as well as their use in the garden and, and, and ...
Our experts from the Europa-Rosarium Sangerhausen will be happy to answer your specialist questions about roses:
By phone: 03464 572522
By e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
By post:
Steinberger Weg 3
06526 Sangerhausen
Where can I get advice on all matters relating to roses?
Further publications:
All the following publications are available in our online shop.
Directory of Roses, Europa-Rosarium Sangerhausen (ed.), 9th edition, 2011.
Available at the Europa-Rosarium Sangerhausen (at the main entrance)
Brumme, Hella/ Stekovics, Janos (2010), Europa-Rosarium: A Guide to the Sangerhausen Rosarium. 2nd edition, Janos Stekovics Verlag.
Brumme, Hella/Dietze, Peter (2002): Rosen, CD-Rom, 2000 roses, 3500 colour pictures, 28 search criteria, Ulmer Verlag.
Jubilee book "100 years of Sangerhausen"
Eilike Vemmer (2013): "Sangerhäuser Rosenschule - Das kleine Rosenlatinum" Explanation of the wild rose names in the Europa-Rosarium, publisher: Förderverein "Freunde des Rosariums" e.V., available at the Europa-Rosarium Sangerhausen (at the main entrance).
Throll, Angelika (ed. 2010), Rosen. The best varieties of European breeders. Over 650 roses in portrait, 248 p., Kosmos Verlag.
Directory of Roses, Europa-Rosarium Sangerhausen (ed.), 9th edition, 2011.
Available at the Europa-Rosarium Sangerhausen (at the main entrance)
Brumme, Hella/ Stekovics, Janos (2010), Europa-Rosarium: A Guide to the Sangerhausen Rosarium. 2nd edition, Janos Stekovics Verlag.
Brumme, Hella/Dietze, Peter (2002): Rosen, CD-Rom, 2000 roses, 3500 colour pictures, 28 search criteria, Ulmer Verlag.
Jubilee book "100 years of Sangerhausen"
Eilike Vemmer (2013): "Sangerhäuser Rosenschule - Das kleine Rosenlatinum" Explanation of the wild rose names in the Europa-Rosarium, publisher: Förderverein "Freunde des Rosariums" e.V., available at the Europa-Rosarium Sangerhausen (at the main entrance).
Throll, Angelika (ed. 2010), Rosen. The best varieties of European breeders. Over 650 roses in portrait, 248 p., Kosmos Verlag.
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